What is Rebalancing Bodywork ?

Rebalancing is a form of body oriented awareness work, which brings people back into harmony with themselves, so they can live their essential unity of body, mind and heart. It works with a unique synthesis of deep and soft connective tissue manipulation, joint release, energy and breath work, body reading, body awareness training as well as emotions and their expression.
The Rebalancing Training starting September 2018 nearby Akureyri is a Professional Massage Training offering certification as a therapeutic massage therapist.

> Registration here! 

In Rebalancing we use different massage techniques:

  1. Soft, deep tissue manipulation and fascia release. We are freeing tensions in the muscles, through deep, slow and skillful strokes, which are carried out with great ease.
  2. Joint Release. This is a mobilisation of the joints to remind the body of it’s grace in movement. Tensions and toxins which are held in the joints are released in this way.
  3. Breath and Energy Work
  4. Cranio Sacral Bodywork
  5. Body Awareness Training

As the body releases muscular rigidities and relaxes, energy is set free. At the same time old and unconscious emotional and mental attitudes and patterns can come into our awareness. This helps us to a better understanding of ourselves and of our hidden potentials. Hereby we come closer to our innermost core, which enables us to live life more spontaneously and meaningfully.

Scientific Methodology combined with Eastern Meditation

Rebalancing was developed in the late seventies in the Osho Commune in Pune, India. Many therapists from different backgrounds (Rolfing, Neo Reichian Bodywork, Tragering, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, etc) were at that time ready for a new holistic approach to bodywork. Under Osho’s guidance and personal feedback Rebalancing was born. It was a meeting of Western scientific methodology combined with Eastern meditative practice. The new orientation in this concept was that the therapist and the client both can benefit from a session, when presence, meditation and body awareness are integrated parts. That’s why the two aspects of technique and meditation have the same value in Rebalancing.

Treatment Series

The treatment plan usually includes a series of ten to twelve sessions, however, each session is complete in itself. The series of sessions has a powerful synergetic effect that allows the whole body with all it’s systems to be included. In this way, it addresses the individual history of the person, their needs and the challenges of their immediate life situation.

If you have any further questions you’re welcome to contact me!