About us

Sanja Burger Webster, NYC

Sanja Burger Webster

was introduced to fasting twenty-six years ago while attending a holistic health retreat in the south of Germany.
Astonished by it’s positive results, she kept fasting as part of her self-care practice and has since shared her experience with many others.

She studied fashion at FIT in New York City and enjoyed a career in fashion and jewelry design.
For the last ten years she has traveled extensively researching and studying holistic modalities like herbalism, massage, acupuncture, thermal water therapy, music therapy, juicing and aromatherapy.
Today she is a certified clinical aromatherapist and she helps people heal and reach homeostasis using essential oils, Aroma-touch massage, juicing and fasting.

Atma Silvia Bök
Atma Silvia Bök

is a german certified Rebalancing® therapist and life coach (international NLP- Master), supporting and guiding her clients through difficulty conflicts or life situations to gain a better quality of life again and freedom with the past.

Rebalancing bodywork is a passion of her, it is a powerful method of self discovery and transformation – to get in deep touch and deep connection with yourself again.

While working in the accountancy for 13 years in Germany, Silvia found her passion for life coaching and bodywork in 2003.After 7 years education in nature medicine, meditation and massage therapy (Hot Stone-, Wellness-, Sport-, lymphatic-, reflexology- and Rebalancing deep tissue massages), she started her own business ‘Rebalance your life’ in 2011 in Germany in Celle, later in Berlin. Her own clinic is now in North Iceland in Akureyri since 2015. She is building up Rebalancing trainings with S. E. Fuchs from Germany to educate people into professional deep tissue massage therapists in Iceland.

With over 10 years self experience in cleansing the body and mind, she is proud the first fasting and juicing retreats in Iceland are finally coming to fruition in collaboration with Sanja Burger Webster in 2019!

Contact her for further questions!